Groundwork for Growth
We can help you formulate a viable plan for your crop rotation and agronomy through a scientific analysis of the soil on your farm. We will bring our truck mounted sampling equipment to your farm to take representative samples of your fields. We will then have those samples analyzed and tested for everything from moisture to essential nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. From these results, you can gain a better understanding of the current strengths and deficiencies in your soil which will tell you both how your program has worked in the past year and how to formulate an appropriate plan for your next crop. We conduct sampling ranging from an entire section down to field specific sampling which will show you the variations within the soil in an individual field. When it comes to tweaking your program, the information offered by soil sampling is crucial.
Success from the Bottom Up
When you are ready to plant, give us a call and take advantage of the considerable resources and research available from Dakota Mill and Grain. Once your soil is prepared, you will need seed provided by established and reputable companies who have researched and developed a seed that will germinate, thrive and produce in your farm environment as opposed to conditions found in other areas and climates. Like soil conditioning, quality seed is part of the foundation for production and your profitability. Dakota Mill and Grain has spent years creating relationships and connecting South Dakota producers and quality seed providers. Those efforts and relationships can help you create a reliable and consistent program.
Production Nutrition
We help our producers determine what their planned crop rotation requires from the soils they have on their specific farm. Once you decide your crop rotation and your farm's specific requirements are determined, we will help you select the right fertilizer product and the optimum application rate that will properly condition your soil and maximize the return on your investment dollar. Our certified applicators and our GPS-guided spreaders will ensure that you economically apply your fertilizer at optimal spread rates and at the correct time.
We work hard to provide our customers with the best products at the best prices available and we offer custom blending to ensure that our producers get a fertilizer with the right ingredients for their farm. Before making any decision on your fertilizer needs, give us a call or stop in to see us at our agronomy centers located in Belle Fourche, Wall, Midland, Murdo, Presho and Fort Pierre. You'll be glad you did.
A Growing Environment
After emergence, your crops are exposed to the elements including the sun, wind, hail, insects and unwanted plants that rob the soil of its essential nutrients and moisture. We can't protect you from adverse weather, but we can help you with the rest. We consult and supply hundreds of South Dakota producers with pesticides and herbicides that work in our climate. From controlling broad leaf weeds and unwanted volunteers to burning down a field before replanting, we supply herbicides that allow your crops to get the most from your soil. We can also supply quality fungicides and insecticides that will help you control everything from scab and mold to grasshoppers. Our state-certified applicators will apply these chemicals with the precision of GPS-guided sprayers.